About the Choir
The Arturo Beruti Choir is a vocational, independent group made up of young people and adults united by their love of singing. Its goal is to study and disseminate the finest chamber choir repertoire, while also interpreting symphonic-choral works at special events and various celebrations.

Since its inception, the choir has given countless concerts throughout the province of San Juan, as well as in other cities in Argentina and abroad, performing works by the most prominent Renaissance, Baroque, Romantic, and contemporary composers.

The choir frequently offers concert series with commentary throughout the province:

"Concerts in Public Libraries," "Concerts in Museums and Historical Sites," participates in the inauguration of congresses and other provincial events, and was one of the organizers of the choral activities series "United in Song," which provided a comprehensive program of concerts, advanced courses, and organized the First Provincial Choir Meeting on International Choral Day, a celebration that continues to this day.

The Arturo Beruti Choir has always stood out for promoting the presence of various choirs from around the country, offering them hospitality and organizing performances for them in the Juan Victoria Auditorium and other venues in the province, with the aim of:

• Stimulating the choral musical activity in San Juan,
• Offering the provincial community the opportunity to listen to other prestigious choirs from our country, and
• Encouraging the musical growth of the participating choirs through mutual understanding of the diverse styles and techniques of interpretation of the vast universal choral repertoire.

Main performances in San Juan and the rest of the country:

To commemorate the 300th anniversary of J. S. Bach's birth, the choir presented the first performance in San Juan of Cantata BWV 4 "Christ lag in Todesbanden," along with the Youth Orchestra of the National University of San Juan. In 1991, together with the Choir of the Catholic University of Cuyo and the Bach Academy of Buenos Aires directed by Maestro Mario Videla, they offered a series of concerts with commentary on the works of J. S. Bach. The choir has participated in the International Choral Festival San Juan Coral since its inception in 1998. In November 1996, it performed the world premiere of the Cantata "Eros Selene Eros" for solo soprano, choir, and orchestra, composed by Maestro Antonio M. Russo and dedicated to María Elina Mayorga. The premiere was conducted by the composer himself.

Regarding its activity in the rest of the country, the choir has toured in Mendoza, San Luis, Jujuy, Salta, Misiones, San Carlos de Bariloche, San Pedro, Trelew, Paraná, Santa Fe, and Buenos Aires on numerous occasions. A highlight in its history is its performances at the Golden Hall of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires in 1992, 2003, and 2019. In 2019, it conducted the Golden Tour, performing at the Golden Hall of the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires and the Golden Hall of the Municipality of La Plata.

Among its international activities are:

1995: VII International Choir Meeting in Encarnación (Paraguay)
1997: XI International Choir Festival in Cabo Frío (Brazil)
1999: Concert tour in Italy and Spain, performing in Milan, Venice (St. Mark's Basilica), Verona, Florence (Duomo Santa Maria dei Fiori), Assisi, Rome, Vatican City (St. Peter's Basilica as Guest Principal Choir during the Sunday Mass celebration), and Barcelona.
2001: Concert tour in Mexico, giving concerts in Mexico City, Tepotzotlán, Xalapa (Veracruz), and Yecapixtla (Morelos)
2005: Concert tour in the cities of Colonia and Montevideo (Uruguay)
2007: Concert tour in Peru, including performances in Lima and at the XI International Choir Festival in Cusco.
2010: Participation in the XXII World Choir Assembly in Zimriya, Israel. The choir has been named an honorary ambassador of the State of Israel.
2011: Concert tour in Central Europe, with performances in Budapest, Köszeg (Hungary), Vienna, Breitenbrunn, Eisenstadt, and Salzburg, where they sang the Great Mass in C minor KV 427 by W. A. Mozart in the cathedral of that city under the direction of Janos Cziffra, concluding the tour with two concerts in Prague (Czech Republic).
2014: Concert tour in Ecuador, with performances in Quito and Guayaquil.
2016: Selected to participate in America Cantat 8, the International Choir Festival held in the Bahamas.
2018: Concert tour in the People's Republic of China, participating in four international festivals in Beijing, Hohhot, Shenyang, and Kahili.
During the 2020 pandemic, the choir was invited to participate virtually in several international choral festivals and events in Brazil, Argentina, Ireland, and Chile.

Following the initiatives of its director, the choir takes an active role in organizing events:

It is the creator and organizer of ANSILTA National Choir Competition and Festival in San Juan, with the first edition held in 2007. In 2012, in addition to its regular concerts throughout the province, it organized "MUSICA SACRA IN SAN JUAN," an international interfaith artistic event with the participation of artists representing the religious manifestations of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. Concerts and conferences were held throughout the province and at the Manuel Belgrano Hall of the Argentine Foreign Ministry in Buenos Aires at the special request of the Ministry's Secretariat of Worship.
In celebration of its 40th anniversary in 2013, the choir held a special concert season in collaboration with cultural and religious institutions that have been part of its artistic history and organized concerts with the participation of foreign choirs. In October, it organized "CANTO EN SOL," a choral festival featuring children's, youth, adult, and senior choirs. The year concluded with a performance of Ariel Ramírez's "Misa Criolla" along with the prestigious indigenous instrument ensemble Huancara, sponsored by the National Secretariat of Culture.
Since 2015, the choir has organized the FORO CORAL AMERICANO with the presence of choirs, conductors, researchers, publishers, and representatives of choral activity from Canada to the southernmost part of Argentina.

It also organizes SAN JUAN CANTA, an International Choir Competition and Festival since 2016, with professionals and choirs from the United States, the Basque Country, Israel, Venezuela, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, and various provinces of Argentina.
In 2023, the choir celebrated its 50th anniversary with a special concert season in the province, an extraordinary edition of SAN JUAN CANTA, and concluded with a concert tour in Misiones.
María Elina Mayorga
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Graduated from the National University of San Juan, Argentina, María Elina Mayorga has been a choir director since she was seventeen, an activity she began with the Coro Arturo Beruti. She performed a similar task between 1986 and 2015 with the Choir of the Catholic University of Cuyo. With both choirs she has offered numerous performances throughout the provincial, national and international levels: Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria and Israel. She is also an educator, lecturer and member of the Board of Directors of The Choral Festival Network.

She studied Choral Conducting with Antonio Russo, Néstor Zadoff, J. Frombonne, P. Caillard, Carlos López Puccio, María del Carmen Aguilar, Larry Wyatt, Claudio Morla, Néstor Andrenacci, Clara Cortázar, Frank Druschel and Werner Pfaff, among others.

Creator of choral events:

SAN JUAN CORAL (1998-2015) - International Choir Festival
ANSILTA, Contest and National Choir Festival 
CANTO EN SOL, a Festival for children and youth choirs.
FORO CORAL AMERICANO, with the presence of outstanding representatives of the international choral community, from Canada to the southern tip of Argentina.
SAN JUAN CANTA, International Choir Competition and Festival whose first edition was held in August 2016.

María Elina Mayorga has had a distinguished career as a choral conductor since 1973, leading the Arturo Beruti Choir and, from 1986 to 2017, also directing the Choir of the Catholic University of Cuyo. Additionally, she served as a Full Professor at the National University of San Juan. Her influence in the choral world is extensive, as she has been a panelist, judge, lecturer, and guest conductor in various countries, including Brazil, Chile, the USA, Israel, Hungary, and Mexico.

As the founder and artistic director, she has established some of the most significant choral events in San Juan, including the International Festival San Juan Coral (1998-2015), the Ansilta Competition and Festival (2007-2014), the interfaith artistic event Música Sacra in San Juan (2012), the festival for children and young singers Canto en Sol (2013-2019), and the Foro Coral Americano (2015-2019). Since 2016, she has been directing SAN JUAN CANTA, an international choral competition and festival that continues to grow.

In 2023, she celebrated an exceptional artistic season, marking 50 years leading the Arturo Beruti Choir. This included concerts with a renewed repertoire and some new works. The year also saw a new edition of San Juan Canta in June, and she conducted a concert tour in the Province of Misiones.

In 2024, she has already delivered notable performances before diplomatic representatives from China and Italy and has been invited by ALACC (Latin American Choral Singing Association) to represent Argentina at the Mario Baeza International Festival in Chile this coming November.

Awards and distinctions:

2001: the Center for Culture of San Juan declared her "Remarkable Personality 2001" - 2002: she received a distinction of UPCN (National Civil Union) in recognition of hers contribution to culture - 2003: distinction of the Government of the Province of San Juan through the Undersecretary of Culture, in recognition of his career. Similar distinctions received from the National Gendarmerie (2004), the Club de Leones (2005) and the Municipality of Coquimbo and Casa de Chile in San Juan (2006) - 2007: on International Women's Day, she was declared "Illustrious Woman" by the Municipality of the City of San Juan - 2010: she was declared "Outstanding Woman of the Bicentennial" by the Women's Directorate of the Ministry of Human Development and Social Promotion of the Government of San Juan - 2011: the Rotary Club San Juan awarded it the "Professional Excellence Award" - 2016: The Honorable Chamber of Deputies declared her an Illustrious Citizen of the province of San Juan.

María Elina Mayorga is the dedicatee of several compositions and arrangements by authors such as Antonio M. Russo, Vivian Tabbush, Daniel Blech and Alfonso Paz, among others.
Members of the Arturo Beruti Choir:
Director: Prof. María Elina Mayorga
Secretary: Marta I. Gerónimo

Alicia Bugallo
Carolina Cámpora
Sofia Gelvez
Ana Gómez
Elena Huamán
Luz Leanes
Graciela Moreno
Alejandra Márquez
Camila Palisa
Laura Ramírez
Anabel Román
Daniela Tapia
Marianela Velázquez

Tamara Cabello
Marta Gerónimo
Carina Kaliz
María Inés Landa
Elisa Navarro
Julie Pagano
Sandra Pontoriero
Ania Velázquez

Ignacio Alemani
Roberto Andino
Leandro Clavero
Marcos Cortez
Alberto Espinosa
Nicolás Hidalgo
Francisco Lahti
Nicolás Olivera
Fernando Tejada
Carlos Vidal

Ernesto Accolti
José Luis Carmona
Renzo Mensequez
Juan Carlos Muñoz
Leonardo Muñoz
Francisco Segovia
Eduardo Trifonoff
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Tel. & WhatsApp: +54 9 264 452 5301
Pasaje Cervantes 1625
5400 San Juan